We worked with sustainability experts who helped us identify our impacts and the control and influence we have over those impacts. We then developed our strategy to target those areas we felt had the most positive and beneficial impacts on the health and well-being of people and our shared environment.
We see this strategy as a living document that will change with us over time and hold us accountable.
Through the development of this strategy, one thing became
very apparent - this journey wouldn’t be easy. However, we believe we are up for the challenge. But we can’t achieve all our goals alone, so we welcome any feedback, questions, ideas or offers of support.

Established in 2019 by VAPO and alt., VapeCycle, powered by TerraCycle, is one of the world’s first programmes to recycle vapes.
VapeCycle ensures that all VAPO, VEX, Bud, alt. and solo products (including e-liquid bottles, vape devices and vape pods) can be recycled.
Our products have been designed to reduce the harm smoking cigarettes does. Our vape recycling programme has been designed to reduce harm to the planet!
Discover our VapeCycle range
All the products below can be recycled with VapeCycle